====== asciimath Plugin ====== ---- plugin ---- description: Plugin for translating ASCII math notation to MathML based on $$ as delimiter on wiki pages. Based on http://www1.chapman.edu/~jipsen/mathml/asciimath.html author : J.Lauritsen email : info epidata.dk type : action lastupdate : 2009-02-11 compatible : Anteater, Rincewind depends : conflicts : similar : Math, Math2, jsMath, asciimathml tags : Formula, Math, MathML downloadurl: http://www.epidata.dk/downloads/asciimath.zip bugtracker : sourcerepo : donationurl: ---- ===== Download and Installation ===== Refer to [[:Plugins]] on how to install plugins manually. * Download "asciimath plugin" and unzip file locally * Transfer to server holding DokuWiki. Two files: //action.php// and //asciimathml148r.js// * Either: Copy with subfolder to: ..your..dokuwiki.../lib/plugins * or create the subfolder: ..your..dokuwiki.../lib/plugins/asciimath and copy the action.php and js file there ===== How to write code for showing as math formulae ===== Use the syntax shown in [[http://wiki.r-project.org/rwiki/doku.php?do=show&id=wiki%3Aasciimathml | R-project documentation]] or the [[http://www.epidata.org/dokuwiki/doku.php/documentation:mathascii| EpiData Implementation adapted from the R-project]] (also see: [[http://us.metamath.org/symbols/symbols.html|further commands]] e.g. mapsto) Notice that this implementation uses __**$$**__ as delimiter rather than or This plugin was inspired by the [[plugin:asciimathml]] which uses a **syntax** approach, whereas this one uses the **action** approach. ===== Issues ===== * If you use slideshows with [plugin:s5] it is important to either add this ***asciimath*** plugin first and then **S5** or edit the header of the S5 and add the reference to your asciimath JavaScript directly in the renderer.php for the s5 plugin. Add the line in the .../lib/plugins/s5/renderer.php, before the line . * On some PC's it seems as if for a short moment the $$ is shown, and thereafter the formulae, but possibly this is a cache issue. __if these hints aren´t successful try to use these__: * install both plugins (don´t mind the order) * open s5/render.php and change like these files \\ //added -- deshi ===== Syntax ===== See [[http://www1.chapman.edu/~jipsen/mathml/asciimathsyntax.html|AsciiMath-Syntax]] ===== Comments ===== * U Avalos: superscripts don't work in tables. DokuWiki interprets them as headers. Is there a workaround? Same problem if you use the original ASCII math implementation. * Re: When you put %% round the expression it won´t be interpreted as part of the table (poor workaround!) * H. Ibrahim: On Internet Explorer you need the [[http://www.dessci.com/en/products/mathplayer/download.htm|MathPlayer]] to display asciimath formulas. This extension works on IE 6 and above. \\ //**IMPORTANT NOTE for IE 8**: You have to activate the compatibility mode of Internet Explorer 8 or IE 8 crashes while rendering asciimath-code!// \\ \\ Alternately you can put \\ \\ in the head section of your template file((''main.php'' generally)) to force IE 8 running in IE 7 compatibility mode. * L. Canducci: plugin is not working here (fresh install of Adora Belle). No problems with older versions. Is there a compatibility issue with dokuwiki latest version? My fault (permissions or cache issue). It works as usual on Adora Belle.